Arielle Goodman, Jenny Hegland, Lindsey Keck – From breakdowns to breakthroughs

In this episode with Arielle Goodman, Jenny Hegland, and Lindsey Keck, we talked about the following:

  • 00:00 A first with three guests
  • 01:55 How did they come up with the name Unlimited Boundaries?
  • 03:30 Using complementary skills to build a team
  • 06:30 Dealing with difficult conversations and tough decisions – it takes a team to make great teams.
  • 07:25 Connecting to the deeper why – inspired by a report of dr Vivek Murthy on an epidemic of loneliness and isolation.
  • 08:10 Use shared practices as rituals
  • 10:20 A great practice to address a difficult moment in the team.
  • 12:35 Creating strong connections in a hybrid team
  • 15:30 The challenge of silos in organisations and community settings and how silos keep us disconnected.
  • 16:00 The communication and collaboration challenge.
  • 16:55 We are born into a story of fragmentation. (Thomas Huebl)
  • 18:10 The trauma that has lived within us is passed on epigenetically Epigenetics
  • 19:40 Shining light on what happens in the house of organisations that we believe are normal but they are trauma.
  • 20:50 Innovation happens when different parts of the business come together.
  • 25:25 The relationship with Driftless Curiosity a Land-Based Learning Nonprofit.
  • 25:40 The harm and beauty is also in everyone’s backyard.
  • 28:05 An example of that you don’t have to go far for experiences to build resilience.
  • 29:10 A practice of appreciation.
  • 29:50 Poetry transports us into experiences very quickly and deeply.
  • 30:10 Poetry Unbound is a series of immersive explorations of a single poem, led by Pádraig Ó Tuama
  • 30:25 Worm by Gail McConnell
  • 32:40 The embodied knowing
  • 35:20 The younger generations are yearning for connection, meaning, and purpose.
  • 36:20 Silos show up across generations in organisations.
  • 38:35 The story of the jaguar in Costa Rica
  • 43:30 The conditioning within us that we bring to the workplace
  • 45:30 Compassion for our colleagues and managers.

From breakdowns to breakthroughs: Unlimited Boundaries helps teams work better together across silos. Generating team effectiveness and organizational flourishing by creative connections and bridging perspectives. Co-Founders, Arielle Goodman, MSW, Jenny Hegland, and Lindsey K.eck, believe it takes a strong team to build strong teams and feel grateful to practice being a team together every day.

You can find Arielle Goodman, Jenny Hegland, and Lindsey Keck here:

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