
To us, that means: Aligned. Collaborative. Resilient. Excellent. Responsible. Courageous. Committed.

We believe our world requires Better Humans to solve today’s challenges and keep us moving forward together. We want to be ready for whatever obstacles the world presents us next.

We’re here to provide the ideas, tools, and community to help you unlock your Better, so that together we can serve Better.

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." - MAYA ANGELOU

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2024 signature program

BetterDaily Program is a series of daily emails to help you implement or re-visit 48 Fundamental Keystone Habits so that you gain momentum to bring more happiness & health into your life.

Every day for a year, you will receive a well-structured, actionable piece of knowledge focused on one habit a week that will take you 5 minutes or less to read. You will get support from our coaches and like-minded people through private community and monthly office hours.

Our Pillars of Service


Curated to provide research and insights so you can identify your next steps

Our knowledge on habit science and on a wide variety of healthy habits

A collection of specialized resources for coaches

Our weekly conversation featuring the best coaches and experts on habits, behavior change, and leadership.


Assembling the full range of resources for supporting change

Our pioneering habit tracker and accessible coaching platform — we invented the big check-in button and coaching via text messages.

BetterDaily Program is a series of daily emails to help you implement or re-visit 48 Fundamental Keystone Habits so that you gain momentum to bring more happiness & health into your life.

Kickstart or reignite your coaching business with our guided one-year program designed to support and empower you in a volatile world.



Connect virtually and in-person with like-minded folks from all around the world

Supporting leaders in learning through turbulent times - at work, home, and in our world.

Live Event - San Antonio, Texas - Oct/Nov 2024

Our inaugural live event. Exact schedule and location [TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON]

Online Groups

Join the conversation on our social media channels:

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Coaching clients

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Habits Completed

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Certified Habit Coaches

Ready to move forward together?

Join for company-wide news and updates

Better Leaders Podcast

Conversations with coaches and leaders

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

- Maya Angelou